January 21 – 27

January 21 – 27

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” Romans 3:23

Sunday, 21st: WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU HAVE LEARNED IN THIS STUDY? HAVE YOU RECEIVED CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR? IF SO, WHEN? Inmate César C… (age 49) wrote: “That I am a sinner and Cristo died for me. That’s why He came to this world, to be our Salvador. Sí, lo hice hoy día, el 12 de enero de 2024 [Yes, I did it today, January 12, 2024]” (First study mailed 01-03-24; Answer sheets received 01-18-24.) Praise God – “That is why I told you that you would die in your sins. For unless you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins.” (John 8:24)! Pray César restudies completed lessons and memorizes key verses.

Monday, 22nd: “1-11-24 Dear B.S.B.M., I am currently incarcerated in _____ County Jail. I was told that your organization has Bible studies I could get to study and to continue my journey in getting closer to God. Sincerely thankful, David H…” (First study mailed 01-17-24.) Praise God – “I was naked and you clothed Me, I was sick and you looked after Me, I was in prison and you visited Me.” (Matt. 25:36)! Pray David does his study, shares God’s word and BSBM’s address with others.

Tuesday, 23rd: WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU HAVE LEARNED IN THIS LESSON? Inmate José A… (age 55) wrote: “Aprendo algo nuevo y positivo en cada lección, como a vencer la tentación. [I learn something new and positive in each lesson, like how to overcome temptation.] Verses 1 Corinthians 10:13 and 1 John 1:9 are helping me mucho. I always ask el Señor Jesucristo to open my eyes to see the marvelous wonders of la Biblia. And I ask Him for mucha mercy.” (José signed up 2 cellmates for lessons: Vladimir A… and Marlon M…) Praise God – “Hear me, O LORD, and have mercy; O LORD, be my helper.” (Psalm 30:10)! Pray José, Vladimir and Marlon do their studies individually and together; pray they boldly share the gospel in their pod.

Wednesday, 24th: “My name is Angela C… I am incarcerated. When I was outside, I was doing Bible studies with you. I enjoyed them a lot. Please send my next lessons to _____ County Jail … Kentucky. Please put me and my broken family on your prayer list.” (She had completed half of course #1, in 2023.) Praise God – “Restore us to Yourself, O LORD, so we may return; renew our days as of old,” (Lam 5:21)! Pray Angela studies hard, memorizing verses & restudying lessons, as she waits for more; pray for her family.

Thursday, 25th: WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO LEARN FROM GOD THROUGH THE STUDY OF HIS WORD? On January 18, at 1:46 PM, a previous new student hopeful Melissa K… e-mailed once again: “I hope to learn and grow through Christ, and to heal my mind and body. I want to be of service to the Lord and to find my place where I can be helpful to those in their time of need. I apologize for not answering my first studies that you sent me in March 2018. I was homeless for a bit, before I found my way again. I would love to get started again, if you’d allow me.” (First study mailed again 01-18-24.) Praise God – “For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in,” (Matt 25:35)! Pray Melissa studies and shares Christ.

Friday, 26th: “Mr. Evans, I enjoy getting your letters back with my new lessons! I have finished my amends. It was rough, as you said, but the right thing to do. At the end of January, I will get a cellphone and begin looking for work. On 12-16-23, we had a family day and my grandparents came. It was a very good day. I really appreciate the time you take to write me back, as I do these lessons. Sincerely, Kyle S…” Praise God – “So then, let us pursue what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” (Romans 14:19)! Pray Kyle encourages fellow residents, in the Christian Rehab, to study the Bible and follow Christ’s example.

Saturday, 27th: WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO LEARN FROM GOD THROUGH THE STUDY OF HIS WORD? On January 8, at 1:07 PM, new student hopeful Bryce K… e-mailed: “I hope to be able to understand more and tell more people about God. But I have to know more to tell people more.” (First study mailed 01-18-24.) Praise God – “May my cry come before You, O LORD; give me understanding according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:169)! Pray Bryce diligently completes course #1, takes God’s word to heart and shares the gospel.

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